Text on image reads, Early Learning Day. Registration required. Register

What’s Happening

AME Spring Scholastic Book Fair<br />
Feria del Libro Escolar de Primavera AME<br />
February 24-28<br />
24-28 de febrero
STAAR Parent Information Night<br />
Noche de información para padres de STAAR<br />
Tuesday, February 25<br />
4:45pm<br />
Martes 25 de febrero<br />
4:45 p.m.</p>
<p>Click HERE to register<br />
Haga clic AQUÍ para registrarse
Spring Break No School Vacaciones de primavera No hay escuela No School March 17-21 No hay escuela 17-21 de marzo
Join the AME PTA Únase a la PTA de AME Click here! Haga clic aquì

School Day

Doors Open at 7:20 AM

Instruction Begins at 7:35 AM

School Day Ends at 2:55 PM

Dismissal Options:

Parent Pick Up, Walker, Car Rider, Bus Rider


Valentine’s Day Parties

Friday, February 14

Student and Staff Holiday

Monday, February 17

PTA Meeting

Tuesday, February 18- 5:30pm

4th Grade Music Performance

Tuesday, February 18- 6:30pm

Spring Scholastic Book Fair

February 24-28

PTA Movie Night

Friday, March 7- 5:30pm

Spring Break

March 17-21




Parents/guardians can gain access to their student(s) information online when they register for a Home Access Center (HAC) account.


HAC is a secure online student information management system that provides parents/guardians and secondary students real-time access to class schedules, class assignments and grades, attendance records, transportation designation, food service PIN# and grade notifications. Parents/guardians must have an HAC account to request their student’s transfer for the 2019-2020 school year.

Visit the HAC login page to open your account. If you need assistance in creating an account, please contact your campus office.

A free HAC app is available to download on your mobile device. The integrated eSchoolPlus Family app uses the same login and password as HAC and can be downloaded from the iTunesGoogle Play or the Amazon app store. You must have an HAC account to use the app.

To learn more visit the Home Access Center and eSchoolPLUS Family App page on the Round Rock ISD website.

Campus News


District News